Leasing Deparment

Leasing Executives will be responsible is presenting every vacant property and will convince the client to sign a contract with the company, leasing executives not only sell the vacant properties but also represents the image of the company. During negotiations, with the prices, terms of payments, and everything in regard to the leasing agreement then the client expresses his/her approval of the lease, that’s the time the client finally becomes a tenant. When the contract is made and ready for signing that would be the time that he/she will be officially a tenant.

The contract is made in accordance with NSPM terms and conditions, as well as the system and regulations applicable, with full compliance to Tenancy Law number 20 for the year 2006, this is to provide a secured relationship between the tenants and the landlords. Once the tenant signed the contract his/her contact will automatically be added up in the system where he will receive a message (SMS) containing all the information needed during his/her stay on the property, like maintenance numbers and office numbers.

During the tenancy term, tenants are assisted with their needs like maintenance. In addition to this, every cheque payment given will not be sent directly to the bank unless the client is informed and if the client would pay cash in a change of the cheques. Any special cases will have to be discussed with the Accounts Department and will do necessary measures based on the signed contract.

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